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Experts from the Behavioral Health Support Center called on parents and educators to take the storytelling method as one of the methods used in inculcating social values, and to adopt it as a supportive mechanism in the process of building values in childhood, taking into account five basic criteria: The need for parents to choose a story based on their age. The child, taking into account the diversity of topics, their divisions, and the appropriate criteria when choosing, and making sure to choose a story that the child can understand its content and communicate the required idea. In a recent report issued by the center, they stressed the need for the story to be commensurate with the culture of our society and with the customs and traditions, and not to contradict the system of values, and to choose the story that urges the child to positive behavior and development, with the need to simulate the stories of the real reality in which they live. For his part, Hussein Al Harami, Head of the Studies and Monitoring Department, stressed the importance of stories directed to children as one of the effective means and educational activities that contribute to the formation and development of the child’s personality in addition to its contribution to his upbringing and education, pointing out that through the stories the child acquires social values and his knowledge and attitudes are formed and this is reflected On his behavior and his dealings with the environment around him, in general, especially since stories of all kinds carry within them certain values that are instilled in children through their perception of the course of events, facts and characters in them. He pointed out that there are 5 criteria for choosing the appropriate story for children, including that the story has a clear educational goal, secondly, that the story has clear meanings and is easy to style, and thirdly, that the story has coherent parts and events, and fourthly that the story is suitable for understanding the child and his developmental stage, and fifthly that the dialogue is in The story is engaging and easy. He pointed out that stories in general play a crucial role in enabling children to develop awareness and commitment to values and morals, as well as gaining them new values. Studies indicate that stories are divided into 12 groups, namely: superhero stories, police stories, stories of religious and national heroism, animal stories, Fiction and illusion stories, humorous stories, stories of myths and legends, realistic stories, historical stories, folk stories, adventure stories, scientific and forward-looking stories. He added: Stories are the oldest forms of literature. Through traditional stories, people express their values, fears, hopes and dreams. Oral stories are also a direct expression of literary and cultural heritage. Through it, heritage is appreciated, understood and preserved, and the past is linked with the different cultures of the present, as children gain insight into the motives and patterns of human behavior. For her part, Sarah Al-Khulaifi, a social researcher, said: There are many different topics that play an important role in instilling values through children’s stories, and they have many goals, including: developing the child linguistically, by developing his linguistic dictionary, training him on expression, and giving the child a lot One of self-values, and training the child in communication skills, listening, and talking, and providing the child with a lot of etiquette, and teaching him positive behavior. She pointed out that some researchers have classified the stories as follows: Stories of who I am: These are the stories that give others an insight into (who you are), and this type of story presents an episode or a series of episodes, and these stories are considered a factor for self-disclosure, as they It helps children to know their own qualities and values, and enables them to help build a relationship and a sense of community. There are stories Why I’m here: People tend to be suspicious of someone they don’t know or if they can’t figure out their motives towards them. This type of story provides a historical perspective that explains how I got here This point, what are your intentions, and the basis of your relationship with others. This type creates a platform for learners to talk about what they hope to get out of the learning process. And she continued: The researchers also classified stories of vision, meaning, and purpose, and this type targets the universal human need for meaning and ambition in the context of learning, and establishes a sense of common purpose and inspires commitment, and teaching stories that specifically aim to teach a skill, concept, or value, as this type of story seeks To embody the idea in a tangible way, so that the story presents a typical person who has excelled in a task or value, or uses an extended metaphor to illustrate a concept, in addition to stories of values at work. This type of story allows instilling values in a way that makes children think for themselves. Abstract statements do not force or inspire with the same emotional force that they are in stories, metaphors, and know-what-you-think stories. These stories are based on carefully examining learners, understanding their motivations, and using the story to respond constructively. She added: Storytelling evokes a common response to human feelings and sensory perceptions such as laughter, sadness, excitement and possible expectations, which help build the child’s confidence and social, emotional and value development, unlike purely traditional reading and writing that is far from modern methods, which are considered individual activities that may often not exceed the development of his skills. Scientific.

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